• Question: What do you think is the biggest problem in the world today, and do you think you (Or science generally) Can solve it?

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      Asked by Ceejay to Megan, Mzamo, Ola, Olivia, Weiyi on 4 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Ola Michalec

        Ola Michalec answered on 4 Nov 2016:

        I am going to be biased and respond something that I am familiar with 😉

        I think we have a major problem with the damage of the environment. We put so much burden of the planet – we are killing so many species, polluting our soils, water and air and contributing to global warming.

        I think it is the biggest challenge as it requires mobilisation and action at every level – from individuals like you or me, through schools, offices, businesses to cities and whole countries. It is really hard for everyone to agree on the same goals as it means that our lives won’t be as convenient as they used to.

        Scientists in labs are trying to solve the problem with technology – think about lab-grown artificial meat or infinite energy from fusion. I think that technology is an important part of human progress, but here the problem lies mostly with our behaviour – social norms, politics and economics. We simply consume too much – not just energy – but also food, water and everyday products. It seems like many of us are trying to find happiness and pleasure in (over)consumption – think about the adverts and trends for buying fancy gadgets. We need to find a way to live fully with less “stuff”

      • Photo: Megan Seymour

        Megan Seymour answered on 4 Nov 2016:

        I agree with Ola here, climate change and environmental damage are the biggest problems is the world today, and perhaps ever!

        One great thing about my job is being able to see amazing, world leading, and sometimes even Nobel Prize winning scientists present their work. One of the most exciting talks I have ever been to was on artificial photosynthesis: scientists have replicated the process in which plants turn sunlight into chemical energy and then store it as fuel, and believe that their technology should be able to provide the world with affordable and clean energy. I am hopeful that technology like this stands a pretty good chance of helping us overcome some of the challenges we’re facing.

      • Photo: Olivia Ashton

        Olivia Ashton answered on 7 Nov 2016:

        I also agree with Ola and Megan, but come at it from a slightly different perspective. I think one of the biggest problems is how we as a population are continuing to expand and our world isn’t. Which means that space and resources are becoming an issue. Which leads to wildlife and our environment in to trouble. Being able to educate people in how their lives impact others and their natural surroundings is key. I think Science can help with new technologies, for example renewable energy, but this isn’t a one part problem with one solution. It will take efforts from politics, economists, science, medicine and all other manor of disciplines to solve this issue.

      • Photo: Mzamo Shozi

        Mzamo Shozi answered on 7 Nov 2016:

        I agree with Ola and Megan on this one
