• Question: do you think that earth is the only inhabited planet or do you think that there are other planets in a different universe that are inhabited and do they think we are the alien depending on what they think is normal?

    Asked by chargan853 to Megan, Mzamo, Ola, Olivia, Weiyi on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Ola Michalec

      Ola Michalec answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Scientists keep finding evidence for life or simple organisms in this solar system!

      I don’t know about other universes- it depends if they exist. No one is able to tell so far because other galaxies (or even universes, if they exist) are too far. We need to break the speed of light to reach them – is it possible? no one knows yet!

    • Photo: Megan Seymour

      Megan Seymour answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      My view is that if the universe is infinitely big, then somewhere there must be other life-forms, even if they are just very simple bacterial life forms.
      Scientists like Stephen hawking have recently said that they think black holes could be tunnels between our universe and other parallel universes, which I think is pretty cool. So yeah, I think there must be other life- and I’m sure they would consider us aliens!

    • Photo: Olivia Ashton

      Olivia Ashton answered on 12 Nov 2016:

      Big question. I would be surprised if out of the whole galaxy there isn’t another inhabited planet. What lives there I don’t know, and I doubt it would be like an alien we imagine or see in films.

      And yes, if there is life out there and they found earth, they’d probably think we were all a bit weird!
