• Question: Do you think our generation is key to help the planet and if so, how would we be able to fix the problems that the older generation has created

    Asked by chargan853 to Megan, Mzamo, Ola, Olivia, Weiyi on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Megan Seymour

      Megan Seymour answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Great question!
      Yes, absolutely- we’ve only got about 60 years until all the oil in the ground runs out and a wave of mass extinction of plants and animals that can’t cope with the rising temperatures has already begun (about 100 times more animals have gone extinct in the last hundred years than in the hundred years before that).
      That means we really have to do something now!

      There are ways to fix the problems though, so it’s not all doom and gloom.
      For example scientists are finding new ways to capture and store atmospheric carbon dioxide- and even turn it into fuel.

    • Photo: Olivia Ashton

      Olivia Ashton answered on 12 Nov 2016:

      Yes they are, but that doesnt mean the older generation should just sit back and let us do all the leg work! We have the capacity, the brain power and our lives to make a difference to helping our planet, just as the older generations do. We have the chance to change their perceptions and ideas to see what we all need to be doing to make the planet better for everyone.

    • Photo: Ola Michalec

      Ola Michalec answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Yes- our generations accesses media in a more democratic and critical way and we’re more likely to volunteer and participate in elections or protests than our parents when they were young. Now we need to mobilise and make sure everyone participates in the change!
