• Question: Is your job exciting?

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      Asked by 767eneg42 to Megan, Mzamo, Ola, Olivia, Weiyi on 10 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Ola Michalec

        Ola Michalec answered on 10 Nov 2016:

        Yes, looking for answers to new questions really keeps me going! I feel like I might even discover something important one day:)

      • Photo: Megan Seymour

        Megan Seymour answered on 10 Nov 2016:

        Yes. Every single day is different and interesting- and when I manage to make a new and interesting molecule I get very excited.

      • Photo: Mzamo Shozi

        Mzamo Shozi answered on 10 Nov 2016:

        Yes I am always learning something new

      • Photo: Olivia Ashton

        Olivia Ashton answered on 12 Nov 2016:

        Yes, there is always more learning to be done and new experiments to try as well as repeating experiments to look for the same results. My field moves very quickly as well so there is usually some exciting breakthrough to get excited about!
